Núria Cortés Serra graduated in Biochemistry and Pharmacy in the University of Barcelona. At the same university, she studied the “Master of Clinical Research: International Health Track”. Her master’s thesis, performed at ISGlobal under the supervision of Dr Juan Bustamante, was on new diagnostic methods for Chagas disease. After finishing the Master Degree, she was awarded a grant from the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) to perform research in the field. She went to Bolivia, where she worked in collaboration with the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Bolivian Ministry of Health coordinating the project “Strengthening Bolivian Pharmacovigilance system: new therapeutic strategies to improve health of Chagas Disease and Tuberculosis patients”. After finishing the project, she joined the Chagas Initiative of ISGlobal team. Currently, she is a PhD student under the supervision of Dr. Carmen Fernández and Dr. Maria Jesús Pinazo. Her PhD project aims to find potential biomarker candidates for the evaluation of therapeutic response and disease outcome in chronic Chagas Disease using extracellular vesicles.